The weighing instrument is panel mounted, front area 96 mm x 96 mm. The front panel is watertight. The display and push buttons are covered with a flat smooth membrane.
The display is a 4-digit seven segment LCD, character height is 18 mm. Electric connections are plugged screw connectors behind the instrument.. An external tranformer is needed as a power supply. Optimum output voltage of the transformer is 18 V. 24VDC is alternative as power supply.
The Keyboard consists numerical keys 0-9 added with Ent and Esc keys. The keyboard is needed when entering set values and when configuring parameters.
Suitable weigh cells are all common models in market. Connecting is 4-wired.
Calibration of the weighing instrument is made by Zero and Span multiturn trimmer potentiometers behind the instrument.
The EMP-201 weighing instrument is optimum for processes where automatic dosing is needed. In addition of the weight cell connection there are connections of digital inputs 6 pcs and transistor outputs 6 pcs, each 24VDC level. Output connections are capable to control the process by connection relays.
The application program is constant and user can modify set values and some other dosing parameters. There are several constant application programs selectable by the function number. The applications not found in constant functions can be ordered
For the calibration of the instrument there are SPAN and ZERO trimmer potentiometers behind the instrument.
The calibration reading is based on the gross-reading, in other words to reading, which is displayed while the ENT key is being pressed.
When the scale is empty, turn ZERO trimmer until the gross reading goes to zero. (Gross reading goes negative only to 12 scale intervals, for example, if the scale interval is 2 the lowest possible display value is -0024.) Turn trimmer clockwise to increase the reading and vice versa.
Then when there is well-known weight in the scale it is time to calibrate the reading with the SPAN trimmer. Turn the trimmer until the reading is just same as the weight actually is.
When the weight is removed the display must be zero again. If this does not happen repeat ZERO and SPAN trimming until the changes are no longer required.
Notice that the trimmer potentiometers are multiturn type. They can have 20 to 25 turns between ends.
Application Functions for the EMP-201H2 |
Key Combinations
The set value modifications and configurations needs several key combinations. The key combination starts the editing mode. During the editing mode the needed number value can been seen and can be modified with the number keys. The editing mode ends by pressing the ENT or CLR key.
For example ENT-1 means:
First press and hold down the ENT key.
While the ENT key is continuosly pressed press the key 1 too.
Release both keys
The dots in the display are usually blinking during the editing mode.
If you make a failure when trying make a key combination press CLR alone and start again.
During the editing mode the number value of needed parameter is seen and can be modified with the number keys.
After modification accept the modified value by pressing Ent key or cancel modification by the Esc key.
Function |
Key Combination / Parameter |
Inputs/Outputs |
Function 0: One component dosing
After pressing Start input the dosing starts and output L1 is active. The weighing display goes to zero and begins to rise according dosing amount. When the weighing display goes above set value minus fine dosing pre value the continuous dosing stops and the fine dosing starts. Fine dosing means that the output relay is acting periodically. In interval times the relay operates the pulse time.
The dosing can be interrupted by pressing the Stop input.
Output L2 is active while the weighing value is below the lower limit..
ENT-0 = set value
CLR-0 = driving flag
CLR-1 = fine dosing pre set
CLR-2 = interval time / 0,1 s
CLR-3 = pulse time / 0,1 s
CLR-5 = lower limit
CLR-6 = function
CLR-7 = scale interval
CLR-8 = decimals |
Input T1: start
Input T2: stop
Output L1: dosing
Output L2: lower limit |
Function 8: One component dosing
As function 0 but instead of the Start and Stop inputs the keys are used to start and stop the dosing.
ENT is acting as Start.
CLR is acting as Stop. |
Function 1: Five component dosing
Input T1 must be active continuously during dosing. When input T1 goes active the dosing of the component 1 starts..
When dosing 1 is ready the dosings 2-5 follows one after one. There is a small delay between components. It is same as interval time in fine dosing (CLR-2). There are fine dosing too, see function 0.
After all components are dosed the draining output L6 makes. It breaks when weighing value has been below the lower limit at least low limit time. After L6 breaks the new dosing sequency can be started by breaking and making the T1..
If input T1 breaks during dosing the dosing interrupts.
ENT-0 = set value 1
ENT-1 = set value 2
ENT-2 = set value 3
ENT-3 = set value 4
ENT-5 = set value 5
ENT-7 = low limit time / s
CLR-1 = fine dosing pre set
CLR-2 = interval time / 0,1 s
CLR-3 = pulse time / 0,1 s
CLR-5 = lower limit
CLR-6 = function
CLR-7 = scale interval
CLR-8 = decimals |
Input T1: 1=dosing, 0=stop
Output L1: dosing 1
Output L2: dosing 2
Output L3: dosing 3
Output L4: dosing 4
Output L5: dosing 5
Output L6: draining |
Function 17: Five component dosing
(Modified version of the function 1)
After pressing Start the dosing 1 begins.
When dosing 1 is ready the dosings 2-5 follows one after one. There is a small delay between components. It is same as interval time in fine dosing (CLR-2). There are fine dosing too, see function 0.
After all components are dosed the draining output L6 makes. It breaks when weighing value has been below the lower limit at least low limit time. After L6 breaks the new dosing sequency can be started. If Input T1 is continuously active the new dosing sequency starts automatically each time after draining.
The dosing can be interrupted by pressing the Stop input.
ENT-0 = set value 1
ENT-1 = set value 2
ENT-2 = set value 3
ENT-3 = set value 4
ENT-5 = set value 5
ENT-7 = low limit time / s
CLR-1 = fine dosing pre set
CLR-2 = interval time / 0,1 s
CLR-3 = pulse time / 0,1 s
CLR-5 = lower limit
CLR-6 = function
CLR-7 = scale interval
CLR-8 = decimals |
Input T1: start
Input T2: stop
Output L1: dosing 1
Output L2: dosing 2
Output L3: dosing 3
Output L4: dosing 4
Output L5: dosing 5
Output L6: draining |
Function 5: Three component dosing and draining
Inpulse in input T1 starts dosing. First starts component 2 dosing by output L2 or L3. If the display doesn't increase enought (see ENT-2 and ENT-3) the control changes L2/L3
When dosing 2 is ready the dosings 1 and 3 follows one after one. There is a small delay between components. It is same as interval time in fine dosing (CLR-2). There is the fine dosing too, see function 0.
After all components are dosed the output L5 makes. Inpulse in input T3 starts draining by output L6. Draining ends when the weighing value has been below the lower limit at least low limit time.
The dosing or draining can be aborted by impulse in input T2
Function 37: Same as function 5 except dosing order. At first starts component 1, then 2, then 3
ENT-0 = set value component 1
ENT-1 = set value component 2
ENT-2 = control time comp. 2
ENT-3 = control amount comp. 2
ENT-5 = set value component 3
ENT-7 = low limit time / s
CLR-1 = fine dosing pre set
CLR-2 = interval time / 0,1 s
CLR-3 = pulse time / 0,1 s
CLR-5 = lower limit
CLR-6 = function
CLR-7 = scale interval
CLR-8 = decimals |
Input T1: start dosing
Input T2; stop
Input T3: start draining
Output L1: component 1
Output L2: component 2
Output L3: component 2
Output L4: component 3
Output L5: dosing ready
Output L6: draining |
Function 21: Four component dosing and draining
Inpulse in input T1 starts dosing. First starts component 1 dosing by output L1.
When dosing 1 is ready the dosings 2 to 4 follows one after one. There is a small delay between components. It is same as interval time in fine dosing (CLR-2). There is the fine dosing too, see function 0.
After all components are dosed the output L5 makes. Inpulse in input T3 starts draining by output L6. Draining ends when the weighing value has been below the lower limit at least low limit time.
The dosing or draining can be aborted by impulse in input T2
ENT-0 = set value component 1
ENT-1 = set value component 2
ENT-5 = set value component 2
ENT-6 = set value component 2
ENT-7 = low limit time / s
CLR-1 = fine dosing pre set
CLR-2 = interval time / 0,1 s
CLR-3 = pulse time / 0,1 s
CLR-5 = lower limit
CLR-6 = function
CLR-7 = scale interval
CLR-8 = decimals |
Input T1: start dosing
Input T2; stop
Input T3: start draining
Output L1: component 1
Output L2: component 2
Output L3: component 3
Output L4: component 4
Output L5: dosing ready
Output L6: draining |